Intermediate control (Köztes kontroll)

Performance video documentation, 2021

Director, editor

One of my vivid childhood memories is when my grandfather forgot to write and speak after an accident. As a result, he tried to communicate with us by drawing circular, sometimes regular shapes on paper. In my work, I process the memory by focusing on the difficulties of conscious communication and the coexistence of physical obstacles. Conscious communication and speech are basic skills for all people, until physical barriers intervene and we begin to become aware of the limits of our existence. Through the work, I approach the issue of control through experience, in which the personal memory appears in a new aspect.

Supervisors: Joseph Tasnádi, Dániel Cseh, András László Halák

The work was shown at:
- Scala University Cinema on Brno Art Week 2023

- an exhibition called “Multidiszciplinaritás” in Nádor Gallery at Pécs in July 2023.

Screening at Scala University Cinema on Brno Art Week 2023. 

Exhibition called “Multidiszciplinaritás” in Nádor Gallery at Pécs in July 2023.